So, what I know is that I'm staying with Sprint for a while. This really should be OK because all I need is a phone with a modern browser, an OS that doesn't get in my way (
I've been watching the reports about the Pre and all the comparisons to the iPhone. Firstly, if I wanted an iPhone badly enough I would switch to AT&T -- I don't have to have an iPhone. I just need a phone that provides many of the same benefits as an iPhone - and in my case I also want a physical keyboard. I do not consider the Pre as an iPhone-wanna-be, I see it as just another "modern" phone (with "modern" once again defined for us by Apple).
The reports I've also seen speak about the let-down some people have had with the Pre (poor quality, still missing SDK, anemic selection of apps). I'd be lying if I said these reports didn't sadden me a little. But, I'm willing to cut Palm some slack as they rapidly push out a huge new platform - there will be bugs/issues. That said, I really need Palm to get the Pre platform cleaned up and silky smooth within 6 months. It seems like they have a trajectory to do that. But they still have some major hurdles.